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(中央社記者呂欣憓台北19日電)泰國國王拉瑪九世蒲美蓬逝世,總統蔡英文今天向泰國表示哀悼之意,也要求相關部會透過「新南向政策」,加強台灣民眾對泰國和東南亞文化的認知,並推進彼此經貿、文化等交流。 民進黨今天舉行第17屆第10次中常會,會中邀請政治大學東南亞研究中心執行長楊昊以「泰皇駕崩對東南亞情勢的影響」為題進行專案演講。 兼任民進黨主席的蔡總統聽完演講後表示,泰國國王拉瑪九世蒲美蓬是泰國人民重要精神領袖,深受人民愛戴。泰國與台灣有著緊密的經貿與人員往來,此時她要再次向泰國國民表達最深的哀悼之意,也期待行政團隊針對泰國國王辭世以及東南亞各國不同樣貌的文化,需要多一些同理心與認知,給予尊重。 蔡總統說,在這段時間,桃園市、台中市、高雄市、台南市政府都設置追思場所,讓泰籍新住民與移工,也能追思泰王,建構友善環境與對文化的尊重,這點政府也表示肯定。 蔡總統說,在討論的過程中大家也講到了有關新南向政策跟泰國之間的關係,希望相關部會能夠加速規劃,透過新南向政策,加強台灣民眾對泰國與東南亞國家的文化、社會認知與理解,並推進彼此在經貿、文化等各面向的交流。1051019



By Stacy Hsu / Staff reporter

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) yesterday expressed her hope that peace and stability would be created across the Taiwan Strait as she left for her first trip to China as KMT chairwoman, saying that her party would continue serving as a promoter of cross-strait relations amid the suspension of official communications between Taipei and Beijing.

“Although the official communication channels across the Strait have been cut off since May 20, the KMT is willing to continue serving as a promoter of cross-strait ties in an effort to keep unofficial interactions running,” Hung said at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.

Calling her five-day trip a “journey for peace,” Hung said she would not allow people on either side of the Taiwan Strait to grow estranged due the alienation between their governments.

Despite the Democratic Progressive Party’s pro-independence policy, there is mutual trust between Beijing and the KMT, Hung said, adding that her party’s efforts to promote cross-strait peace are for the sake of the 23 million Taiwanese and future generations.

Regarding recent intraparty conflict over the content of the so-called “1992 consensus,” Hung said unification is a goal shared by all KMT members and that they all seek a more solid foundation for cross-strait peace and mutual trust.

“Within the historical tide, we do not need to bicker over one sentence or one word, or blow things out of proportion,” Hung said.

The “1992 consensus” refers to a tacit understanding between the KMT and Beijing that both sides of the Taiwan Strait acknowledge that there is “one China,” with each side having its own interpretation of what “China” means. Former Mainland Affairs Council chairman Su Chi (蘇起) in 2006 said he had made up the term in 2000.

Hung’s camp has engaged in heated altercations with that of former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and former vice president Wu Den-yih (吳敦義), who have cited the KMT’s new policy platform as an indicator that Hung is championing the formula of “one China, same interpretation.”

The platform, passed by a KMT national congress on Sept. 4, only mentions the “different interpretations” aspect of the “1992 consensus” once as part of the party’s history and omits the term in the latter part of the platform, which sets out the party’s main policy.

According to Hung’s itinerary, she is today to lead a delegation to pay tribute to Republic of China founder Sun Yat-sen (孫中山) at his mausoleum in Nanjing, before heading to Beijing to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) tomorrow.




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